Client: Guiyang Hengfeng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd
Time: 2016
Site area: 23,536sqm
GFA: 210,000sqm
Program: Office, hotel, residential, apartment and retail
Building height: less than 300m
Scope of service: Concept design competition
Hengfeng is inspired by the traditional Miao Architecture of XiJiang, indigenous to Guizhou Province.
The building is approached via a public plaza which is defined by low village ‘houses’. These are F&B units with 24-hour accesses and act as a social meeting space for young people. The plaza offers direct access to and from the metro below and this drives footfall into the mall.
Once inside, the mall flows like water through the Guizhou hills creating an international quality retail experience with highly visible shop frontages overs 5 floors of mall. A central event space connects all entrances to the mall into a common heart and this place acts as the centre of the community.
A 24hr bar street as added to the roof space which encourages activity through the building and diversifies the retail offer across the floors and throughout the 24hour cycle of the day.